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The exotic environment of the Zurich Zoo, one of the best in Europe, is home to more than 360 different animal species. The closest to their natural habitats that animals can be found include:

  • Snow leopards in the rocky Himalayas.
  • Penguins swimming in frigid waters.
  • Flying foxes can be seen from a canopy walk in the 13,000 square metres of the tropical jungle.

The Asian elephant family in the Kaeng Krachan Elephant Park play with their youngster and swim in their multi-environment outdoor complex, which was created to resemble their real-life habitat in Thailand. Trades and trams from the Paradeplatz and the central train station go to the zoo.

Ecosystems have been built in places like the Himalayas, South American grasslands, the Masoala Rainforest Hall, and the Kaeng Krachan Elephant Park to allow animals, especially endangered species, to roam freely over large regions. A petting zoo also will enable guests to get up close and personal with wild and tamed animals.

The Zurich Zoo’s wild animals represent nature’s variety, magnificence, and fragility. We provide a variety of unique settings for cocktail parties, flying dinners, and banquets as the ideal complement to your guided tour. Cocktails can be served at the Elephant House, Capuchin Monkey House, or the Lion House, next to the penguin enclosure. The site also has seminar rooms that may be rented.